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Our Science curriculum aims to provide all children with rich and exciting experiences to develop their scientific thinking and understanding and carry this on towards a life-long love of the subject.


Science Progression and Skills Document

    Science vocabulary

Our Vision of Science 

At Woodlands, we believe that as our children live in a highly scientific world, it is essential that they acquire and develop the scientific skills, knowledge, and understanding they need. They are experiencing the awe and wonder of practical investigations and giving them the opportunities to question the world around them.


At Woodlands, we intend to recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life. Teaching science at Woodlands will develop children's natural curiosity through questioning and investigation.


The Woodlands scheme of work aligns with the National Curriculum where teaching and learning plans for practical investigative opportunities and shows progression across all key stages.
· Children have access to key topic-specific vocabulary and understand meanings to apply this to their written work.
· Children use a range of resources to develop their working scientifically knowledge and understanding.
· Children reflect on previous learning and prior knowledge, and cross-curricular links will be made wherever possible.
· There is clear progression within science topics across the school.


Children will be curious science learners.
· Children will understand how science has and will continue to change the world    around us and how we live our lives.
· Children will retain scientific knowledge and link it to a real-life context.
· Children will be confident to question ideas and reflect on knowledge taught.
· Children will work practically to investigate and experiment.
· Children will explain the process they have taken and reason scientifically.

Coronavirus 2020/2021

A dual curriculum approach following the school closure in March 2020 and January 2021 ensured that Science continued to be delivered in a way that reflected the subject's vision and strategy for learning.