Physical Education
Here at Woodlands, we pride ourselves on offering a broad and in-depth curriculum. One that allows and enables our pupils to grow in confidence, learn the value of respect, work as part of a team, develop their leadership skills and most importantly, make informed, lasting choices about the way they live their life!
Subject Overview
Physical Education progression and Skills Document
Swimming Athletics Dance Games Gymnastics OAA
Our Vision for Physical Education
Here at Woodlands, we believe P.E. and sport are essential to a child's health, well-being and physical and mental development. We pride ourselves on offering a broad and in-depth curriculum, one that allows and enables our pupils to grow in confidence, learn the value of respect, work as part of a team, develop their leadership skills and most importantly, make informed, lasting choices about the way they live their life! We want all of our pupils to leave school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation to encourage them to continue participating in sport and leading healthy, happy and active lives. Developing a whole school progression document ensured that the pupils are constantly building upon what they have learnt in previous years with their skill development, vocabulary and performance levels.
Implementation All pupils currently receive weekly P.E. lessons, with the P.E. curriculum designed to ensure all requirements are met by the end of each Key Stage. Over the year, blocks of swimming lessons are provided to specific year groups and pupils in the juniors to swim the required 25 metres by the end of Key Stage 2. Additional opportunities arise and take place throughout the year for pupils to participate in a variety of sports, activities and units delivered by experienced coaches, Elms and Jumptastics. We participate in a growing number of competitions in the broader community, allowing the children to compete against other schools and boroughs, helping to develop a healthy competitive nature and attitude. At Woodlands, we have a variety of extracurricular clubs that all pupils have the opportunity to take part in and develop their interests. We work alongside Elms' and Jumptastics to allow our school access to courses, sharing good practice and opportunities to support and enrich our P.E. curriculum.
Impact Children are assessed against a bank of statements for each strand of the P.E. curriculum. The statements have been carefully mapped out for each year group, meaning skills are progressive, built on year on year, and developed. The learning outcomes help to support planning and the understanding of a child's development through P.E. These can be found within the curriculum overview.
Competitions We believe that the competition element of the sport is a significant life experience for children and try to ensure that pupils get the opportunity to represent the school in various competitions.
Coronavirus 2020/2021
A dual curriculum approach following the school closure in March 2020 and January 2021 ensured that P.E. continued to be delivered in a way that reflected the subject's vision and strategy to learning.