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The emotional health and wellbeing of all members of Woodlands Primary School (including pupils, parents and staff) is fundamental to our philosophy that each individual is valued and encouraged to grow. With the current ever changing world, as a school, we intend to prepare each student with the tools they need to meet their learning potential, cope with normal stresses and connect with their friends. We aim to embed wellbeing in to every aspect of our school, nurturing the 5 steps to wellbeing through our 6 core values. For the children and families at Woodlands, we know that keeping the conversation going is highly effective in achieving better mental health. Therefore, through our everyday teaching, we will endeavour to equip the children with the tools they need to communicate as best they can.  

5 steps to Wellbeing


Evidence suggests that there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. 

Connect: Talk & listen, be there, feel connected

Be Active: Do what you can, enjoy what you can, move your mood

Take Notice: Remember the simple things that give you joy

Keep Learning: Embrace new experiences, see opportunities, surprise yourself

Give: Your time, your words, your presence 


Here at Woodlands, the 5 steps to wellbeing will be interlaced through school life, including through the teaching of PSHCE and the 6 core values we follow. Clear links will be made through the value of each term and will become part of the children and staff's everyday living. Take a look below at what we have been up to this year. 

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Be Positive Be Kind Be Ambitious Be Passionate  Be confident  Be Curious
General wellbeing Give Keep learning Take notice Connect Be active

 Wellbeing Resources 

Separation Anxiety: Tips for parents 


Anxiety tools for parents 


Anxiety thermometer  


Starting the mental health conversation 


Counselling Directory


 Useful websites

MINDED: minded.org.uk/families

Online advice and support for parents of children who may be experiencing poor mental health.

YOUNGMINDS: youngminds.org.uk 

Information and resources for young people and parents on mental health.

MENTALLY HEALTHY SCHOOLS: mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk