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Our School Values

As a school, the pupils, parents, staff and governors worked together to decide on values that would become a part of school life. From assemblies and lessons to everyday actions and vocabulary, everyone uses our school values. 

We have six core values that underpin everything we do here at Woodlands. We are proud of these values and how they reflect our school. The whole community have been involved in developing these values: governors, parents, staff and children.

Please click on the value for more information.  

BE POSITIVE: We make positive choices with our behaviour and our health.

BE KIND: We form great relationships and are considerate of others.

BE AMBITIOUSWe are ambitious, driven and determined to succeed.

BE PASSIONATE: We are enthusiastic about our own and others' learning and interests.

BE CONFIDENT: We believe in ourselves and are not afraid to face challenges and overcome hurdles.

BE CURIOUS: We are eager to learn and ask inquisitive questions.

Values Education is not a subject to be incorporated into the curriculum; instead, it is an educational philosophy, an approach that underpins the way we organise ourselves by promoting good relationships and high-quality teaching and learning. All stakeholders were involved in deciding which values we would choose and how we would embed these into our school.
We seek to promote an educational philosophy based upon valuing self, others and the environment by considering core ethical principles that guide behaviour. This approach helps pupils develop a secure sense of self, respect for others and supports raising educational standards.
We work closely with parents. Parents are informed of the new half term Value through the school newsletter and website. Whole school assemblies are used to launch the new Value, and Values Vouchers are distributed to children and adults who demonstrate the values through everyday school life. Value displays are prominent in each classroom and around the school building. Teachers will discuss the new Value during PSHCE lessons; however, the main emphasis is on embedding the values in everyday teaching and learning, which is then reinforced at home.