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Year 4's Corner...We Play, We Learn & We have Fun Together!!!


Welcome to the Summer term. Below is an overview of some of our topics we will be looking at:





History - The Vikings

Geography - Four-figure grid references and compass points. Natural Disasters


French Cafe 


D&T/ Art

D&T - Stitching techniques

Art - Drawing and sketching




Class Teachers 

If you have any questions or wish to contact a teacher, please message the class teacher according to the timetable below on class dojos.                                                 

                                    Miss Watts                          Mrs Haffner       



Teaching Assistants



Mrs Khanna (AM)               Mrs Maddison (PM)

Our Classroom


Reminders for Parents/ Carers


Homework is collected in today.


Please ensure your child has their P.E kit.

Wednesday Please ensure your child has their P.E kit.
Thursday New homework and spellings are sent home.
Friday Please ensure your child has their P.E kit.

Year 4 Multiplication Tabes Check

This year, the children are due to sit the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check set by the Government. It is incredibly important that they practise their times tables at home, not only in response to this check, but also since expertise in the times tables impacts many areas of mathematics and a ‘strong’ mathematician is one who knows his or her times tables! In school, we have been using Times Tables Rockstars as a fun ICT resource to help the children learn their times tables. Each child has their own login, and this resource can be accessed at home for practice.

Reading in Year 4

The importance of being a confident reader in life cannot be underestimated. It is advisable for your child to read for at least 20 minutes a day at home. Wherever possible, it is helpful for children to be able to access dictionaries at home to help with understanding text


Homework is set each week with activities to do at home. Children are expected to complete this in full and to ensure they understand what the task is. Mrs Haffner spends time each Thursday afternoon going through it all with the class, so they are able to complete it independently at home. We do encourage them to ask for help if they are finding it difficult and suggest they show an adult at home for some support if necessary. They are also welcome to come and ask a teacher for support before the homework is due in. 


New spellings are given out each week for the children to practice. We introduce new spelling rules each Monday and spend the week practising a set of words using those spelling rules through a range of games and activities. These spellings must be practised at home and referred to in their homework when appropriate. Spellings are tested each Friday.

  Year 4 - Non-negotiables 

 Year 4 - Long term plan


Have a look at our newsletter below about all the exciting things we will be up to.


Autumn 2023 - Click to access

Spring 2024 - Click to access

Summer 2024 - Click to access