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 SEND - (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)

Our SENCO is Mrs Waterworth

Email address: senco@woodlands.herts.sch.uk

Woodlands Primary School is an inclusive school, which offers a wide range of provisions, over and above Quality First Teaching, to meet the needs of all the SEND pupils within our care. At Woodlands we recognise that pupils with SEND may require additional support to enable them to meet their full potential. Through carefully differentiating lessons, the provision of specialist resources and targeted interventions, we support and challenge our children, encouraging all to become confident, independent learners who leave Woodlands with the skills needed to access their next step in education. We work with a range of external agencies to support pupils with SEND - enabling them to access the curriculum and develop a range of academic, social and emotional skills. 

If you have any concerns about your child, please arrange an appointment to meet their class teacher or contact Mrs Waterworth directly at senco@woodlands.herts.sch.uk

Accessibility Plan

Woodlands SEND Key Information

Below you will find information about SEND in Woodlands and the support we offer.  If you have any questions concerning your child, please initially speak to your child's teacher.



SEND Policy



School SEN Information Report



Admissions, Provisions and Reasonable Adjustments



The Hertfordshire Local Offer


Hertfordshire Local Offer

Parent and Carer Support

Support Organisations | Oakleigh School and The Early Years Intervention  Centre The Hertfordshire Local Offer The New AET Logo | Autism Education Trust SEND news -
ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity - ADHD Support Australia Young Minds – Shelter Cymru Crackley Bank nurtureuk | An inclusive education for all

Hertfordshire Public Health Nursing Service 5-19 (School Nursing)

School Nurse Referral


Using emotional literacy to support positive behaviour choices &  self-esteem in the classroom with non-typically developing pupils | Unravel

Behaviour Support

The Hertfordshire Local Offer

Speech and Language Support


The Hertfordshire Local Offer

Hearing and Sight Loss

The Hertfordshire Local Offer

Mental Health Support

The Hertfordshire Local Offer

Physical Needs Support

The Hertfordshire Local Offer

ESMA (Education Support for Medical Absence)

Resources: NHS People 'supporting our people' | Nursing Times

Occupational Therapy

Toolbox website






 Frequently Asked Questions      

 frequently asked questions –

Further SEND Local Provision

  This includes information on dealing with behaviour, support groups for parents and support for Social, Emotional, Mental Health struggles.

The Hertfordshire Local Offer       DSPL6 and Hertsmere Schools Partnership - SEND Surgery, November 9 2021 |  Online Event | AllEvents.in

The Hertfordshire Local Offer

Contact Details


Useful Websites


Interagency Working between Hertfordshire Children's Services and Tier 4  Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services


CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)

Education, Health and Care Plans – Health Visitors 0 – 5 Years

EHCP (Education Health Care Plan)

Alternative Educational Provision for S.E.N.D.

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