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At Woodlands, we are committed to providing a high-quality History education focused on a rich and relevant curriculum and inspiring and enthusing our pupils to know more about the past. From the Foundation stage and onwards, children are taught to value and understand the importance of History and communicate their learning in oral, written and visual forms using appropriate historical language and techniques.

History progression and Skills Document

                Knowledge organisers                  

Our Vision of History 

Woodlands believes that History is an essential part of the Curriculum and should be studied in its own right for the educational experience of its children.


Children will experience History through interactive and stimulating lessons and undertake field trips relevant to their topics to bring their History learning to life. We support children in developing a sense of chronology from living memory to the earliest of human History through an inquiry-based approach in which children are encouraged to investigate and interrogate a range of historical evidence and sources. Children will also learn about cause and consequence when looking at historical events and discuss how people's actions have influenced events and shaped their world.

We aim to equip pupils with cultural capital, preparing children with the essential technical knowledge and skills for what comes next. The exploration of new skills and experiences helps to nurture resilience, curiosity and creativity. Through this journey, children develop new forms of cultural capital that make a difference in individual mindsets, which consequently shapes their future. 


 History is a foundation subject within the National Curriculum. The aims of teaching History at Woodlands Primary School are consistent with our School Mission Statement and consider the requirements set by the current National Curriculum. All children are entitled to access to the programmes of study at a level appropriate to the individual child's needs, and we aim to develop the whole person by giving our children opportunities to reach their full potential in History.


While History is about real people who lived in the past, its fundamental concern is understanding human conditions set in the context of time. Such understanding comes from studying life in the past, of thoughts, beliefs, emotions and actions, as people related to each other and their environment and as they encountered and solved problems. The History curriculum at Woolands's equips children with the skills necessary for living and working in the contemporary world, drawing from learning from the past. As the children see the diversity of human experience and understand more about themselves as individuals, what they learn can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values.


Coronavirus 2020/2021

 A dual curriculum approach following the school closure in March 2020 and January 2021 ensured that History continued to be delivered in a way that reflected the subject's vision and strategy for learning.

Early years foundation stage

History programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2